Start Me Up! is a social entrepreneurship program, which aims to transform the community with innovative programming.
Valley Beit Midrash is not currently accepting applications for this program.
The Start Me Up! Fellowship empowers Jewish social entrepreneurs to create non-profit programs & organizations that will have a lasting impact on the local Jewish community. Throughout the course of the highly-selective and year-long fellowship, fellows will learn the fundamentals of planning, funding, organizing, and building their projects from thought-leaders, professionals in the field, and program alumni. Some seed funding is available for select projects!
START ME UP! Fellowship Cohort 3:
Shalom Home ~ Jesse & Shira Charyn
To create a Jewish Assisted Living Home where Jewish life thrives. We are dedicated to establishing a haimish environment to engage the mind, body, and spirit of our Shalom Home mishpacha! Learn more at
Hagigah ~ Rabbi Nate Crane
Providing Phoenix’s and Scottsdale’s families with special needs accessible, appropriate, and fun Jewish holiday celebrations. Learn more at
Pnei Hamayim ~ Akiva Elhart
Pnei Hamayim nourishes a progressive, pluralistic, radically inclusive community of seekers with mindfulness practices from the heart of contemplative Judaism. Learn more at
Arizona Jewish Social Justice Action ~ AJ Frost
Arizona Jewish Social Justice Action takes to heart the ancient dictum: “Defend the poor and the orphan; do justice to the afflicted and needy” (Midrash Tehillim 82:3). Through learning events, social gatherings, #resistance, and protest, we hear this ancient words loud and clear, ready to make them ever-relevant in these turbulent times.
Interfaith Legal Action Network ~ Ross Kader
Living our faith through legal advocacy and service. Protecting our communities by providing a network of legal resources. Responding to the needs of our community while bridging gaps.
Multi-Generational Communication Workshops ~ Jessica Levin Bozek
Our mission is to give ALL generations the strategies and tools necessary to develop skills to enhance effective communication. Interpersonal skills are the best way to connect and develop long-lasting and healthy relationships.