A Sacred Dialogue: The Conversation Between Liturgy and Poetry

A Sacred Dialogue: The Conversation Between Liturgy and Poetry

Published Date: 07/27/2021

Liturgy is a kind of sacred poetry, using metaphors and imagery that spoke to our ancestors. What happens when we pair our liturgy with more contemporary poetry? How does poetry help us better understand the yearnings, pain, joy, and questions expressed in our liturgy? And how does it offer us new insights and ways to grapple with the big questions, with doubt, and with our aspirations?

Rabbi Hara Person is the Chief Executive of Central Conference of American Rabbis. Previously, she was the CCAR’s Chief Strategy Officer. In that capacity, she oversaw the Communications Department and served as Publisher of CCAR Press, and worked with leadership on overall organizational strategy.

Rabbi Person was ordained in 1998 from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, after graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst College (1986) and receiving an MA in Fine Arts from New York University’s International Center of Photography (1992).
She served as Educator at the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue from 1990-1996, and was the Adjunct Rabbi there from 1998-2019. Since 1998, Rabbi Person has been the High Holy Day Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Olam, Fire Island Pines, NY.

Before coming to the CCAR, Rabbi Person was the Editor-in-Chief of URJ Books and Music, where she was responsible for the revision of The Torah: A Modern Commentary (2005) and the publication of many significant projects, including the Aleph Isn’t Tough adult Hebrew series and Mitkadem: Hebrew for Youth as well as several award-winning children’s books. While at URJ, she was also the Managing Editor of The Torah: Women’s commentary, named the National Jewish Book Award Book of the Year in 2008.