Is Judaism Woke or Unwoke?

Is Judaism Woke or Unwoke?

Published Date: 03/31/2022

A virtual event presentation by Rabbi Asher Lopatin

BMH-BJ Congregation

Through the millennia, Judaism and Jewish thinkers have strived to make an ancient religion meaningful and applicable in various environments and social norms where Jews have lived. Modern Orthodoxy has specifically espoused finding ways to combine the traditions and laws of Judaism, passed down from rabbis and communities 2000 years ago, with the ethics, morals and standards of the modern, contemporary world? Does this work? Is this really possible? Rabbi Lopatin will explore contemporary issues that challenge Jewish traditions and laws.

Rabbi Asher Lopatin is the Executive Director of the JCRC/AJC of Detroit and the founding rabbi of Kehillat Etz Chayim of Detroit. He is also the founding director of the Detroit Center for Civil Discourse. A Rhodes Scholar and a Truman Fellow with an M. Phil in Medieval Arabic Thought from Oxford University, Rabbi Lopatin has also done doctoral work at St. Antony’s College, Oxford, in Islamic Fundamentalist attitudes towards Jews and Israel. He has written chapters for over 20 books and numerous articles. Prior to moving with his wife, Rachel, and their four children to Detroit, he served as president of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, and, before that, served as the rabbi of Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation in Chicago. Rabbi Lopatin received ordination from Rav Ahron Soloveichik and Yeshivas Brisk in Chicago, and from Yeshiva University. Rabbi Lopatin is a permanent member of The Council on Foreign Relations and on the board of New Detroit.