Letters from Chanukahs and Purims Past: The Establishment of “Minor” Holidays and Judea-Diaspora Relations

Letters from Chanukahs and Purims Past: The Establishment of “Minor” Holidays and Judea-Diaspora Relations

Published Date: 12/29/2022

A virtual event presentation by Dr. Malka Simkovich

Event Co-Hosted by BMH BJ

About the Event:
In the Hellenistic era, Judean leaders in Jerusalem sent letters to Jews living in Egypt imploring them to observe the holidays of Chanukah and Purim. Why were these holidays important to these leaders, and why were they so focused on the practices of their Jewish kin in Egypt? This lecture will explore the complex dynamics of Judea-diaspora relations in the ancient world, and how the observance of holidays was used as an opportunity for Judeans to enforce the idea of Judean exceptionalism.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich is the Crown-Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies and the director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies program at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She is the author of The Making of Jewish Universalism: From Exile to Alexandria (2016) and Discovering Second Temple Literature: The Scriptures and Stories That Shaped Early Judaism (2018), which received the 2019 AJL Judaica Reference Honor Award. Simkovich’s articles have been published in academic journals such as the Harvard Theological Review and the Journal for the Study of Judaism, and in mainstream publications such as The Jewish Review of Books and The Christian Century. She is involved in numerous interreligious dialogue projects which help to increase understanding and friendship between Christians and Jews.