What If: Faith for Non Believers and Other Ways of Rethinking Emunah

What If: Faith for Non Believers and Other Ways of Rethinking Emunah

Published Date: 02/17/2023

A virtual event presentation by Rabbi Dr. Mira Neshama Weil

Event Co-Sponsored by Rodef Shalom

About The Event:
At a time in winter where we’re invited to trust the silent work of nature under the earth before the explosion of spring, this session is an opportunity to revisit the idea of faith (emunah) in the Jewish tradition. Not just to check in with where we are at with our own emuna and relationship (or not ) with ‘God,’ but also to explore our idea of faith. What if it was other than what we took it to be? Looking at some Jewish texts and familiar prayer, In this session, we’ll play with the idea of seeing faith, a sometimes loaded topic, in a different light.

About The Speaker:
Rabbi Dr. Mira Neshama Weil is a student of Life, Torah, and Meditation. Born in Paris, she earned a Ph.D. in Sociology of Religion at Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (EHESS) and received orthodox smicha from Rav Dr. Daniel Sperber at Beit Midrash Har’El in Jerusalem. A certified Jewish Experiential Educator (Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies), Yoga instructor (Sira, RYT 200), and Mindfulness Teacher (Institute for Jewish Spirituality, Mindfulness Training Institute) Mira is on the Faculty of Or Ha Lev, Applied Jewish Spirituality and the Romemu yeshiva, and she teaches internationally organizations and individuals about Jewish wisdom and contemplative practice.