Women’s Sexual Assertiveness: An Exploration of Talmudic Perspectives

Women’s Sexual Assertiveness: An Exploration of Talmudic Perspectives

Published Date: 11/06/2023

A virtual event presentation by Rabbi Sarit Horwitz

The event was co-sponsored by Temple Emanuel

About the event:
How did the rabbis view women as sexual beings? How does it reflect on their own masculinity? Join us to study a few different Talmudic passages, and explore what it has to say about the rabbis who wrote these stories.

About the Speaker:
Rabbi Sarit Horwitz is the rabbi of Beth Sholom Synagogue in Memphis, TN. She was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary, was a Marshall T Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at B’nai Jeshurun in NYC, and a Wexner Graduate Fellow.